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Aldi (Dating Sim Remake)

Aldi is one of the datable characters in the Dating Sim Remake. A computer science undergraduate who has the ability to make anyone laugh and make puns.


more description of picture ooooo

gender           He/Him

height             5'7

weight            150

ethincity       Filipino

Personality of Said Character

"What's Aldi like? Well... to put it nicely, he is kinda of like your stereotypical weeb asian guy" - Vergil

Throughout the game, Aldi is an amiable and outgoing person. He enjoys inviting others to his random adventures around the city like that time he took ___ and the user to 10 different boba shops and hot pots. There has been times where he has shown his high intellect and creativity; making as many puns as he could possibly can and tutoring others when it comes to his undergraduate major (computer science). Aldi is very passionate about the hobbies that interest him. For example, when user is being introduced to his room; he showed different collections from multiple card games, going as so far as to even explain all the rules if the user is not familiar with any of them. However, the player complains that there is too many big words and zones out. Around the room, you can see multiple anime posters and action figures. On the later stages of his route, Aldi will invite the user to an anime convention which can make or break the friendship, depending on the choices (and anime preferences) of the player. He also loves to try out any resturant around the city, expressing his knowledge of all of his favorite shops when walking down a street. On the final stage of his route, he will take the player back to the resturant that they first hung out and ask the user out.

Appearence of Le Character

He is noted to be a lanky character with caramel skin and black hair. Aldi has a light stubble that he does not shave and black glasses. His usual outfit consists of a black or grey sweatshirt that is zipped open with a red T shirt underneath. He wears pants that are loose fitted and neutral in color. However, there are times were he deviates from this wearing bold contrasting colors that does not go togther. Everytime he does, Vergil his friend, complains that "its so bright, its blinding me". As an undergraduate student, you will see him with a skateboard that he uses to get around college. He also has a small flanny pack or backpack with him that he keeps a pack of playing cards, his book supplies and a random game.